I'm just an animal looking for a home

Journal Entry


Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers.

I am failing French.  Good fucking deal.  That reminds me of a book called The Tommyknockers by Stephen King.  This guy is having flashbacks of a cop saying to him “Shot your wife, huh?  Good fucking deal.”  Weird.

I want to make a deal with my mom such that if I get decent grades, she keeps outof my life.  I hope it works.

My life is hopeless.  I am trying to follow Maile’s destruction rule.  It is difficult!

Maile is so beautiful!  Words cannot begin to describe.  I could gaze at her all day. For eternity.

Fluff!  I could shout the C-word (chrysanthemum) out loud!  At least I’m in my house.



Author: mitcharf

vegan, curmudgeon, animal lover, feminist, agnostic, cat whisperer, bookworm, hermit, Red Sox fan, Cthulhu enthusiast, softball player, man-about-town

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