Note: The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling. I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers.
Well Cameron (yes, the bastard) weaseled his way into spending the night at my house. He went to sleep at 12:55AM, just minutes before I was to meet Maile. As it turned out, I met Maile at 1:30AM because her dad was awake. We went to my sisters’ room, because they (and my brother) were away for the night. We talked for about 20 minutes, but she felt really sick, so she went home. But I loved her every minute of it.
My mother coerced Maile into coming over at 7:30PM, because Cameron was over. We watched Miracle Mile. Maile thought it was too depressing. Cameron liked it.
Now I sit here in my sister’s room, thinking about Maile, listening to depressing music. I watch out the window, on the off chance that she’ll return outside. I love her so much I can’t even describe it… I think we’re going to see some poetry carved into a bridge tomorrow. If, of course, Maile’s parents lether. They take her too much for granted. It pisses me off.
Maile, I, and, if we’re unlucky, Cameron, are going to save some lobsters by buying (or stealing) them from fancy restaurants. This, of course, contradicts my plan to run away with her. But, if we run away together, we can do a lot more good. We could be a two-person team to save the Earth. Even though I’m violent (I used to be, anyway) and insane, I still want to try to save the planet. We could do it — if she runs away with me. I really want her to… I would love it. Well, I ought to get some sleep… Later.
P.S. Maile wasn’t sure she trusted Cameron with meeting us tonight (he didn’t) which made me very happy.