I'm just an animal looking for a home

Journal Entry


Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers.


Much has happened since I last wrote.  I guess I forgot to continue my last letter.  Well, it’s a bit too late now.  Anyharf…

Summers has lost interest in me, and our friendship is somewhat on hold.

Maile is old news (note July 1, 1994: this comment about Maile is kinda cruel.  She was never “old news”.  That was badly written), and I’m less hurt over our previous falling out.

I’ve met a smart, cute girl named Lora.  She’s Brian H’s sister.  I met her several months ago, but I guess I never got around to writing it in here.  She’s nice.

I like her, but she’s completely uninterested in me.  I can’t help but like her.  She’s got a great personality, she’s very smart, and she is also good looking.  I feel protective about her, because she shouldn’t ever be hurt.  Just hours ago she told me she wasn’t a virgin (she’s 14) and that she’s had sex with 2 guys, and from what I understand, neither of them meant anything to her.  And she didn’t make them wear condoms.  When I heard this it hurt me.  I shouldn’t be so damned concerned, but I can’t help it.  I can’t get rid of the picture of this guy, who doesn’t deserve anyone nearly as good as Lora, screwing Lora.  Lora deserves better.  Hell, I’d love to go out with her, but she certainly deserves better than me.  I don’t entirely understand my feelings for her.  I would die for her.  She is terribly important to me.  I think I love her.  I know she doesn’t like me as anything more than a friend.  I am attracted to her physically (she is very beautiful) but what I really love her for is her mind.  There are so few intelligent girls.  It makes me mad that she lets other guys, guys who don’t even appreciate how wonderful she is, do things to her that she should save for someone special.  Shit, this must be love.  And she says nobody loves her.  Damn, if only she knew how much I care for her.  Of course, if she only wants to be friends, I’ll be her friend, if it will make her happy.  She mentioned some reason that she wasn’t going to have sex again for a long time.  I wonder why.  I’ll ask sometime.  We’re going to Astroworld tomorrow (we includes Lora, Jesse, Brian H, Brian M, Ryan S, Matt, and I).  Well, I’ll write after we get back.


Author: mitcharf

vegan, curmudgeon, animal lover, feminist, agnostic, cat whisperer, bookworm, hermit, Red Sox fan, Cthulhu enthusiast, softball player, man-about-town

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