Current Mood: spacey
Current Music: Kristin Hersh – Flipside
So I think my jaw may be dislocated. I don’t know for sure. A week or two ago during lunch I was eating my sandwich. During one bite, the left side of my jaw made a loud popping noise. It hurt a bit, but it quickly faded. I was able to finish eating the sandwich without a problem. Then a couple of days ago, I noticed that I was sore and aching around my left jawbone, near my ear. There is also a slight inner ear ache. The pain is worse when chewing, although at no times is it really bad. I also cannot really bite fully down on the left side now, with my molars. The right side feels fine. I did a little web research on the subject, and the symptoms are consistent with a jaw dislocation or fracture. However, it sounded like it usually is caused by some sort of physical trauma, and I was just eating. But some articles did note that it can happen when yawning or eating. So who knows? Fortunately I already had a dentist appointment scheduled for this week, just for a checkup. I’ll see what he thinks. Oh, another nice thing I learned from the research is that once your jaw has been dislocated once, it’s more likely to become dislocated again. Kinda like with concussions. So now that I’ve gotten both my first concussion and (possibly) jaw dislocation out of the way, I can look forward to two possible injuries the next time I’m hit in the head. ;) I hope to god that Livejournal doesn’t translate my smiley faces into the graphical emoticons.
I didn’t go to sleep until 4am last night. It was crazy. My lack of rest all weekend made me super tired, but I couldn’t go to sleep. I finally got to sleep, but it was uneasy for a while. I was deep asleep by the time my alarm went off, of course. Work today was so slow due to my fatigue. I came home and took a nap. I didn’t really want to get up from my nap, but I don’t want to be up all night tonight also.
I’m spacing out, so maybe it’s time to end this ramble. Yes, it is.
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