I'm just an animal looking for a home

New turntable extension


Thanks to my friend Ryan for sharing a new Google Chrome extension he found for turntable.fm.  It is called Turntabler and it allows you to do a few things on turntable even if you don’t have the browser window in front of you.  Specifically, the current version allows you to awesome the current song, lame the current song, mute/unmute the current song, and add the current song to your queue.  Just the awesome/lame function is a selling point for me, because I often use turntable while I am working on other stuff, and it can be annoying to switch browser tabs just to click “awesome” when I like a song.

Also, soon I will be writing a new omnibus post about turntable, so I can have one post which contains all relevant links and information about the site.    Oooh, or maybe I’ll make it a “page”.  I think that probably makes more sense.  Anyway, stay tuned for that exciting update.  :)


Author: mitcharf

vegan, curmudgeon, animal lover, feminist, agnostic, cat whisperer, bookworm, hermit, Red Sox fan, Cthulhu enthusiast, softball player, man-about-town

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