I’ve been meaning to write a quick post about this for a while now. Rarely does a week go by at work that someone doesn’t remark on my workstation setup and asks how to do it. Behold it in all its nerdy glory!
Why so many monitors? I tend to do a lot of multitasking at work and have many windows open — source code, telnet sessions, web browsers, etc. It’s nice to be able to find things at a glance, rather than have to shuffle between the multitude of open windows and applications. For a long time I muddled along with just my laptop and one external monitor, which was all that my laptop supported. I added a docking station but was disappointed to learn that this did not allow me to use additional monitors, even though it did give me additional graphics ports. What was a frustrated nerd to do?
Finally I found this lovely device:
It is a USB graphics adapter. Each one connects to a USB port and allows you to add an external monitor. In my current setup I am using two of them, and I am considering adding a third. You can buy them on Amazon for around $45 (they are the same price on newegg, last I checked). Highly recommended to anyone who has longed for extra screen real estate! I wouldn’t recommend them for PC gaming, and I haven’t tried them for HD video, but they have served me well for general use and productivity.