Better late than never…
The following two images (generated by the fantastic BGStats App ) provide a good summary of my board gaming endeavors in the past year.
Note that when I play a turn-based game online, or generally any case where a game spans multiple dates, the date I log it under is the date the game began.
Categories: board games , games |
Tags: 6 nimmt! , Aaron , Aidan , Alicia , Anthony , Avery , Battle Line , BGStats , Bhavik , Blooms , board games , , , Bruges , Carpe Diem , Castles Of Burgundy , Clans of Caledonia , Coloretto , Concordia , Crokinole , Dan S , Dungeon Petz , Felinia Manor , For Sale , Gaia Project , games , Ginkgopolis , Glen More , Grand Austria Hotel , Haley , Hive , In The Year Of The Dragon , Jaipur , Jamie , JoCo Cruise , Johnna , Jonathan L , Kahuna , Kattie , Kevin , Keyflower , Leah , Lost Cities , Love Letter , Madeira , Mage's Sanctum , Malik , Matt , mom , Nick , Port Royal , Rajas of the Ganges , Red7 , Renée , Ruth , Sagrada , , Terra Mystica , The Gaming Goat , The Great Zimbabwe , Tobago , Trajan , Troyes , |
vegan, curmudgeon, animal lover, feminist, agnostic, cat whisperer, bookworm, hermit, Red Sox fan, Cthulhu enthusiast, softball player, man-about-town