I'm just an animal looking for a home

July 3, 2011
by mitcharf

Why I want a vegetarian/vegan partner!

For this post I’m just going to use the word vegetarian to mean “vegetarian or vegan”, just for the sake of brevity.  (I know, I know — when the fuck did I start caring about brevity?  Good question!)  So please … Continue reading

June 20, 2011
by mitcharf
1 Comment

Being judgmental

So, as you can imagine, the fact that I am vegan for ethical reasons has often led people to call me judgmental.  Or sometimes to say “I’m not vegetarian, but I’m not judgmental — I don’t care what anyone eats.” … Continue reading

June 20, 2011
by mitcharf

Reasons for not being vegetarian

I realize that most people aren’t vegetarian.  And I realize that most people don’t seem comfortable engaging in self-reflection and questioning their own beliefs and figuring out if their actions are consistent with their beliefs, etc.  That said, it still … Continue reading

April 6, 2011
by mitcharf
1 Comment

Upcoming Topics!

I’ve started keeping a list of topics about which I want to write.  So far that list includes: Abortion and any ethical implications between it and vegatarianism/veganism.  Perhaps also the issue of stem cell research, but I may break that … Continue reading

April 2, 2011
by mitcharf
1 Comment


It has been pointed out to me (thank you, Ms. Griffin) that someone reading my posts on subjects like religion, philosophy, etc, could get the impression that I think I have all the answers and am unbending in my beliefs. … Continue reading

April 2, 2011
by mitcharf

Atheism, agnosticism, god(s), and religion

No doubt fueled in part by my newfound productivity, I’ve engaged in a lot of philosophical discussions over the past few weeks.  They’ve taken place over email, on Facebook, on Twitter (you can well imagine how much the 140-character limit … Continue reading

February 14, 2011
by mitcharf

Vegan softball/baseball gear

My softball cleats are on their last legs, so I’m shopping for a new pair.  This will be the first pair I’ve purchased since becoming vegan, and I’m trying to find some cleats which do not use animal products.  While … Continue reading

December 21, 2010
by mitcharf

Why I’m Vegan

I wasn’t planning on writing a blog entry today on why I’ve chosen to be vegan.  What happened was this:  I was reading a blog entry by The Blissful Chef.  The entry posed the question “What’s the difference between a … Continue reading