I'm just an animal looking for a home

March 21, 2020
by mitcharf

Board Gaming In Plague Times

I’ve shared this information with the local meetup group I organize and a few other folks, but it probably is the sort of thing I should try to share more widely. So for my fellow board gamers in need of … Continue reading

March 21, 2020
by mitcharf

2019 Gaming Summary

Better late than never… The following two images (generated by the fantastic BGStats App) provide a good summary of my board gaming endeavors in the past year. Note that when I play a turn-based game online, or generally any case … Continue reading

January 1, 2019
by mitcharf

2018 Gaming Summary

The following two images (generated by the fantastic BGStats App) provide a good summary of my board gaming endeavors in the past year. In 2019 I want to continue both getting repeat plays of my favorites (Keyflower, Gaia Project, Madeira, … Continue reading