I'm just an animal looking for a home

March 21, 2020
by mitcharf

Board Gaming In Plague Times

I’ve shared this information with the local meetup group I organize and a few other folks, but it probably is the sort of thing I should try to share more widely. So for my fellow board gamers in need of … Continue reading

March 21, 2020
by mitcharf

2019 Gaming Summary

Better late than never… The following two images (generated by the fantastic BGStats App) provide a good summary of my board gaming endeavors in the past year. Note that when I play a turn-based game online, or generally any case … Continue reading

January 1, 2019
by mitcharf

2018 Gaming Summary

The following two images (generated by the fantastic BGStats App) provide a good summary of my board gaming endeavors in the past year. In 2019 I want to continue both getting repeat plays of my favorites (Keyflower, Gaia Project, Madeira, … Continue reading

November 10, 2017
by mitcharf


Boardgames. I like them. Do you like them? You should like them. They’re fun! What about helping out others in need? Do you like that? You should like that. It’s, well, not so much fun as, I guess, rewarding. And … Continue reading