I'm just an animal looking for a home

November 1, 2017
by mitcharf

4 Kickstarters I’m Backing

I’m currently backing 4 active Kickstarter campaigns. I’m sharing them to spread the word: Board Games Detective: City of Angels – All players are detectives except one player, who is working against them. It’s not a hidden role game, though. From … Continue reading

October 15, 2012
by mitcharf


This post is about the 2008 French movie Martyrs.  This post will contain spoilers that will absolutely ruin the movie for you if you have not seen it.  This movie is not for everyone, however.  If you do not like … Continue reading

February 9, 2012
by mitcharf

Funny/Thoughtful YouTube Videos

Just collecting a bunch of my favorite YouTube videos of comedy and/or philosophy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aPOMUTr1qw Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post

January 26, 2012
by mitcharf

Republicans support domestic abuse (just like Democrats hate the rich)

This afternoon I saw the following article posted on Facebook:  New Hampshire Republicans Propose Bills That Prevent Police From Protecting Domestic Abuse Victims This prompted me to share the article on my wall along with a novel-length block of text. … Continue reading

July 5, 2011
by mitcharf

Funeral songs!

First of all, obviously I am going to live forever. And this post shouldn’t be interpreted as me contemplating my death in some “cry for help” kind of way. When my friend died recently it made me realize that sometimes, … Continue reading

July 3, 2011
by mitcharf

Why I want a vegetarian/vegan partner!

For this post I’m just going to use the word vegetarian to mean “vegetarian or vegan”, just for the sake of brevity.  (I know, I know — when the fuck did I start caring about brevity?  Good question!)  So please … Continue reading

June 20, 2011
by mitcharf
1 Comment

Being judgmental

So, as you can imagine, the fact that I am vegan for ethical reasons has often led people to call me judgmental.  Or sometimes to say “I’m not vegetarian, but I’m not judgmental — I don’t care what anyone eats.” … Continue reading

June 20, 2011
by mitcharf

Reasons for not being vegetarian

I realize that most people aren’t vegetarian.  And I realize that most people don’t seem comfortable engaging in self-reflection and questioning their own beliefs and figuring out if their actions are consistent with their beliefs, etc.  That said, it still … Continue reading