I'm just an animal looking for a home

January 26, 2012
by mitcharf

Republicans support domestic abuse (just like Democrats hate the rich)

This afternoon I saw the following article posted on Facebook:  New Hampshire Republicans Propose Bills That Prevent Police From Protecting Domestic Abuse Victims This prompted me to share the article on my wall along with a novel-length block of text. … Continue reading

May 29, 2011
by mitcharf

Victim Blaming

In an earlier post I mentioned that I wanted to write an entry about victim blaming.  Last night I had dinner with someone and we talked about this a little bit.  It allowed me to further clarify my thoughts on … Continue reading

December 13, 2010
by mitcharf


After writing my last post, I watched two movies on Netflix — Shallow Ground and King Of Kong. (Please forgive me up front — I am almost certainly going to mis-type Shallow Ground as Shallow Grave at some point.  If … Continue reading