I'm just an animal looking for a home

October 10, 2012
by mitcharf

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

“But as to how the food is conveyed to her,” exclaimed Miss Greysteel, “no one knows for certain. Signor Tosetti believes that her cats carry it up to her.” “Such nonsense!” declared Dr Greysteel. “Whoever heard of cats doing anything … Continue reading

December 26, 1991
by mitcharf

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. Rachel has a friend over.  Although normally I would think … Continue reading

December 5, 1991
by mitcharf

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. I am failing French.  Good fucking deal.  That reminds me … Continue reading