I'm just an animal looking for a home

March 27, 2011
by mitcharf
1 Comment


Last night I was in a conversation with someone that somehow turned to the topic of school in general, and grading specifically.  I don’t have an exact recall for conversation (unlike Carol Jordan in Val McDermid’s series of novels), but … Continue reading

November 20, 2010
by mitcharf


Last night’s Netflix streaming selection was a short (~30 minutes) film called Aftermath.  I deliberately selected a short movie because I wanted to try and get to sleep earlier (which did not happen, of course, thanks to Tai-Pan by James … Continue reading

December 22, 1999
by mitcharf

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. I’m on a plane, flying home to Maine for the … Continue reading

January 27, 1999
by mitcharf

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. I’m writing again much sooner than I had anticipated.  I … Continue reading