I'm just an animal looking for a home

October 15, 2012
by mitcharf


This post is about the 2008 French movie Martyrs.  This post will contain spoilers that will absolutely ruin the movie for you if you have not seen it.  This movie is not for everyone, however.  If you do not like … Continue reading

April 2, 2011
by mitcharf

Depression, You’re A Jerk!

I’ve suffered from depression pretty much since adolescence.  I paused for some time before finally using the expression “suffered from”.  I feel like there is a better choice of words I could employ.  Endured?  Experienced?  Whatever.  Anyway.  Back when I … Continue reading

December 22, 1999
by mitcharf

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. I’m on a plane, flying home to Maine for the … Continue reading

February 5, 1999
by mitcharf

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. Yeah. I wonder if I’m clinically depressed.  I don’t think … Continue reading

February 24, 1992
by mitcharf
1 Comment

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. Dear Fucking Diary, Well, you read my last journal.  My … Continue reading

February 23, 1992
by mitcharf

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. Dear Maile, Well, you didn’t show up last night.  I … Continue reading

January 21, 1992
by mitcharf

Journal Entry

Note:  The only changes to this entry are minor corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.  I’ve also removed any last names which appeared, except in the case of teachers. UPDATE: Friday (01/17):  Maile met me that night and I … Continue reading